(In partnership with the DBT-C Center Of Training and Guidance)


(Offered in partnership with the DBT-C CENTER OF TRAINING AND GUIDANCE, LLC)
Supersensers need superparents!
Most caregivers can do “good-enough” parenting and meet the needs of their children. Unfortunately, good-enough parenting may not be good enough for emotionally sensitive children (supersensers).
It does not take much for supersensers to react. Their reaction tends to be very fast and intense, and may take a long time to subside. Caregivers need to learn how to create a validating and change-ready environment to raise a supersenser, as regular parenting may be insufficient to meet their needs.
Superparenting is a two-part informational course intended to provide knowledge, resources, and strategies to parents and caregivers of children and adolescents experiencing emotional dysregulation and corresponding behavioral dyscontrol. Dialectical Behavior Therapy for children emphasizes the caregivers’ role in improving a child’s level of functioning and views caregivers’ adaptive responding as one of the main mechanisms of change; this course is intended to strengthen and equip caregivers with the skills they may need to help their sensitive children improve their level of functioning.
Part 1 covers strategies for parents (and other caregivers) on creating a validating and change ready-environment, and strategies for both parents and children on dealing with stress effectively and improving their relationships with other people. In short, Part 1 covers “what to do”.
Knowing what to do is necessary but not sufficient, as we also need to gain the capacity to apply this knowledge.
Part 2 focuses specifically on helping participants acquire this capacity by improving their relationship with self, as well as learning how to help their children improve relationship with self, which in turn, unlocks their ability to use adaptive coping skills and other strategies that are taught in Part 1. Parents and other caregivers learn how to instill in the child the senses of self-love, safety, and belonging. (Please see below for more detail.)
Each Part is composed of 12 lectures that are 50-70-minutes long, and is accompanied by an extensive reference library of recorded answers by Dr. Perepletchikova to frequently-asked parent questions, as well as a growing library of recorded role plays where Dr. Perepletchikova shows caregivers how to use the DBT-C strategies with children.
Note: Although Parts 1 and 2 are complement each other, and it is recommended to take both parts for full benefit, participants can choose to purchase only one part for the following reasons:
- Taking both parts of the Superparenting course is a considerable financial and time investment. Sometimes participants may want to evaluate the quality of the course by only investing in taking Part 1. However, please note that almost all participants who purchase Part 1 end up also purchasing Part 2.
- Many participants take the Superparenting course multiple times and may choose to review only one of the parts, depending on the need.
- Superparenting is a condensed version of the DBT-C workshop for licensed mental health professionals, because the main goal of DBT-C is to train caregivers to become therapists for their child. Thus, parents are trained using the same method, materials and the course structure as clinicians. Given the considerable overlap, many mental health professionals take the Superparenting course to prepare before enrolling in the DBT-C clinical workshop, or to review the material after they completed training in DBT-C. As such, they may choose to refresh their knowledge on just one of the parts.
Parts 1 and 2: $1060
Includes: 23 hours of instruction, 19 role play videos demonstrating using the DBT-C skills with debriefs, lecture slides, behavior reinforcement charts and an ever-growing library of parent Q&As. (8 months of access)*
* 3-month extension ($450) or 6-month extension ($860) is available via request after expiration of the initial 8 months.
Part 1 Only: $720 (5 months of access)
Part 2 Only: $720 (5 months of access)
General Information
Children do not come with an instructional manual.
The DBT-C model emphasizes the caregivers’ role in improving a child’s level of functioning, where caregivers’ adaptive responses are seen as one of the main mechanisms of change.
Dr. Francheska Perepletchikova, a world-leading therapist, researcher, and trainer, developed Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Children (DBT-C) to help children who struggle with strong emotions and corresponding behavioral dyscontrol. DBT-C is an evidence-based adaptation from Dr. Marsha Linehan’s original DBT model, for addressing behaviors such as:
- Verbal and/or physical aggression
- Frequent temper tantrums
- Self-injury and suicidal ideation
- Rapidly shifting attention or hyperactivity
- Problematic relationships with parents, siblings and peers
- Inability to delay gratification
- Difficulty with transitions and changes
- Extreme thinking styles
- Difficulties with personal hygiene
- Missing social cues and much more
What will be covered:
Part 1 – Strategies to create a validating and change ready-environment
- Instruction on Parent Management Training, modified to specifically address severe emotional and behavioral dysregulation.
- Instruction on application of behavioral principles and techniques (e.g., validation, reinforcement, shaping, ignoring, etc.) with emotionally sensitive children.
- Training in essential DBT-C skills from the four standard DBT modules: Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation and Interpersonal Effectiveness.
Part 2 – Strategies to instill in a child the senses of self-love, safety, and belonging
- Identification of core problems that can be contributing to the child’s emotional and behavioral dysregulation.
- Identification of issues that may interfere with effective parenting.
- Facilitation of cognitive restructuring.
- Facilitation of positive self-regard, self-validation, and self-compassion.
- Facilitation of behavioral change through the development of an internal locus of control (i.e., ability to attribute success and failure to own responses).
- Facilitation of an ability to build and maintain positive relationships with others.
Training Schedule
Part 1 |
Module |
Section |
Estimated Time Per Module |
1 |
Introduction to the Course |
63 Minutes |
2 |
Biosocial Model: Who is a Supersenser? |
57 Minutes |
3 |
Biosocial Model: The Environment and the Treatment Target Hierarchy |
53 Minutes |
4 |
Validation! Validation! Validation! |
60 Minutes |
5 |
Types of Invalidation and Validation to Corrective Feedback Formula |
66 Minutes |
6 |
Didactics on Emotions |
46 Minutes |
7 |
Behavior Change Model: Awareness (Mindfulness) |
60 Minutes |
8 |
Behavior Change Model: Willingness |
61 Minutes |
9 |
Behavior Change Model: Capability (Coping Skills) |
76 Minutes |
10 |
Prompting and Reinforcement |
70 Minutes |
11 |
Shaping, Ignoring and Introduction to Punishment |
70 Minutes |
12 |
Punishment Techniques |
44 Minutes |
Part 1 Total Estimated Hours To Complete: 12 |
Part 2 |
Module |
Section |
Estimated Time Per Module |
13 |
Introduction to the Three Core Senses |
57 Minutes |
14 |
Main Functions of CPA: Validation |
53 Minutes |
15 |
Main Functions of CPA: Cognitive Restructuring |
36 Minutes |
16 |
Main Functions of CPA: Internal Locus of Control |
70 Minutes |
17 |
Principles of Conducting CPA |
60 Minutes |
18 |
CPA Demonstrations |
61 Minutes |
19 |
Sense of Self-Love: Factors That May Lead to the Clinical Level of Vulnerability |
56 Minutes |
20 |
Intervention to Decrease Vulnerability in the Sense of Self-Love: Cognitive and Experiential Components |
54 Minutes |
21 |
Intervention to Decrease Vulnerability in the Sense of Self-Love: Behavioral Components |
72 Minutes |
22 |
Interventions to Decrease Vulnerability in the Sense of Safety |
54 Minutes |
23 |
Interventions to Decrease Vulnerability in the Sense of Belonging |
57 Minutes |
24 |
Combination and Adaptive Vulnerabilities |
30 Minutes |
Part 2 Total Hours: 11 |
- “The metaphors and role-plays were absolutely amazing and will be easy to remember. Fresh examples of how to teach skills to young kids were enormously helpful”
- “The training was incredibly practical, clear, and informative. The real world examples, scenarios, videos, and tools were most effective for me.”
- “DBT-C is amazing! This content is like gold!”