DBT-C Resource Library Subscription
DBT-C Resource Library Subscription

To provide an extended learning experience for the DBT-C training, The Comprehensive Training Center offers a monthly subscription to a growing library of role play videos modeling DBT-C strategies, Dr. Perepletchikova’s recorded answers to clinicians’ questions during DBT-C training, and her recorded answers to parents’ and caregivers’ questions during her parental training called Superparenting. New role plays and Q&A’s are added monthly.
Subscription Fee: $12/month recurring charge until cancelled
General Information
Role Plays
Role plays are an integral part of clinical training. They help transition the learning from acquiring didactic information about the strategies and procedures to understanding how these techniques are applied with clients via demonstrations of DBT-C experts, followed by detailed debriefs. With the goal of providing more demonstrations than can be conducted in either a live or asynchronous training, the DBT-C Resource Library includes all angles of the DBT-C model: clinician-parent, clinician-child, and parent-child interactions and the role plays are conducted by clinicians playing the different roles as well as with parent and child actors.
Current number of role plays: 22 (and growing)
Clinician Q&As
Part of the learning in a training comes from hearing the answers to other participants’ unique questions. To that end, the Clinician Q&A library covers questions asked at prior and current trainings, that can now be shared across all training platforms.
Current number of questions: 108 (and growing)
Parent Q&As
The DBT-C model includes a parental training component called Superparenting 101. Reviewing answers to parents’ questions about implementing DBT-C with their child is another great way to go deeper on learning the model, teaching it to parents and supporting them through their challenges.
Current number of questions: 94 (and growing)
Help us meet your needs!
We welcome your requests for adding new role plays and answers to your questions. You’ll have the opportunity to make requests within the subscription.