About Us

Holli Harris
Chief Executive Officer
Holli Harris is a versatile executive and entrepreneur with experience in both permanent and interim mission-driven leadership roles, as well as 20+ years of corporate and non-profit board service. She excels at recognizing opportunities where global trends, emerging technologies and specific industries meet.
Holli is a thoughtful leader who fosters transparency and teamwork, is passionate about working across functions, and is backed by long-term expertise in strategic and financial planning. She is well-versed in international business, including extensive experience in the former Soviet Union and China.
In the area of corporate oversight, Holli spent a decade as an Independent Director and Chair of the Audit Committee on the board of a NASDAQ-listed company with China’s first private healthcare system. She’s adept at making collaborative decisions in areas such as financial controls, liquidity, cybersecurity, and executive compensation, tackling the challenges that come with governance and asymmetric information.
Holli has a dual Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and Russian Language from University of California – Davis and an MBA from the Ross School of Business (University of Michigan).

Francheska Perepletichikova
Chief Training Officer
Francheska Perepletchikova is a clinical psychologist who created DBT-C, an evidence-based adaptation of the behavioral health therapy model Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). She’s an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, where she focuses on helping pre-adolescents and teens deal with serious emotional and behavioral issues such as severe aggression, self-harm, and treatment-resistant depression.
Francheska has also taught at Yale University and Weill Cornell Medicine, where she led two major clinical trials on DBT-C. In 2015, her expertise in DBT earned her a role as a trainer and consultant with the Linehan Institute Behavioral Tech. Four years later, she started the Youth-Dialectical Behavior Therapy Program (Y-DBT), which offers therapy and support for young people struggling with mood disorders, anxiety, depression, and more. The Y-DBT program includes individual therapy, skills training, family therapy, and parent training.
Additionally, Francheska is the founding director of the DBT-C Center of Training and Guidance, which provides workshops, consultations, and supervision for clinicians and parents worldwide.
DBT Iberoamérica is the pioneer and leader in disseminating DBT in Spanish throughout the Ibero-América region. They are the official training institute in the Ibero-América region for DBT standard-model founder Dr. Marsha Linehan. They have been hosting Spanish trainings of DBT-C since 2022. They are also like family to us!
María Ignacia Montt is the pioneer in adapting DBT-C to Latin American families. Her collaboration with Dr. Perepletchikova started in 2020. Since then, María took a lead in translating DBT-C materials into Spanish and started a series of research studies evaluating the efficacy of DBT-C with Latin American families. She supervises teams that have been trained in DBT-C, to guide them in adherent treatment implementation. María is a trainer with CTC and co-leads multiple DBT-C workshops with Spanish-speaking therapists.
CTC is collaborating on a research study examining application of DBT-C in clinical practice with Cristóbal Carrasco, MD- Adjunct Instructor – Section of Child and Adolescent psychiatry and Gabriel Gatica-Bahamonde,MSc MD PhD (c) – Assistant Professor – Section of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
University of Oslo (affiliated since 2017): The first team ever trained in DBT-C was from Oslo, Norway, led by Marit Coldevin PhD. Since then, our relationship has grown in many directions including continuing to train more teams as well as conducting research together. Dr. Coldevin became a DBT-C trainer with CTC In 2024. Her team continues to produce groundbreaking research on DBT-C, disruptive mood dysregulation in children, parental stress and related subjects.
Lovisenberg Hospital (affiliated since 2024): It is very exciting to partner with Lovisenberg Hospital, Marit Coldevin’s team and other clinicians and researchers in preparing to conduct a RCT on examining DBT-C parental component only on reducing emotional behavioral problems in children and parental stress.
Norwegian Association for DBT (N-DBT): We are excited to collaborate with Nic Waals on Randomized Clinical Trial of examining DBT-C Parent Training component.
The CBT/DBT Center, Israel: Dr. Kobernick is a DBT-C trainer with CTC and has a long standing relationship with Dr. Perepletchikova, In 2019, Dr. Kobernick started her postdoctoral training under the mentorship of Dr. Perepletchikova. Since then, Dr. Kobernick became a leading clinician, trainer, and researcher on the application of DBT-C with orthodox Jewish families.
Topiwala National Medical College and BYL Nair Charitable Hospital, Mumbai: In 2024 we were excited to begin collaborating on bringing DBT-C to India.